California HOSA follows HOSA guidelines for CE. For detailed information about each event offered at SLC, please see HOSA GUIDELINES.
Note: Online tests for ALL written, including round one written tests and Middle School written tests are completed exclusively online at your school prior to the SLC and will NOT be available to take at the SLC. There will be absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS or EXTENSIONS!
Members participating in the online testing events and the onsite events must attend the ENTIRE SLC and the Grand Awards Ceremony to be awarded recognition.
SLC CE Online Testing Proctor Selection and Submission
SLC CE Online Testing Window
ALL COMPETITORS are required to show an official photo ID upon CE check-in.
California HOSA Competitive Event (CE) Selection Options
Select as appropriate from the CE chart.
Contact Info
Monday – Thursday
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
8:00 am – 3:00 pm
California HOSA follows HOSA guidelines for CE. For detailed information about each event offered at SLC.