California HOSA has outlined 5 areas of attire for students attending events.
When attending a California HOSA event, it is required that all attendees be in HOSA Blues unless otherwise noted. Please check the Advisor’s Guide for each event to ensure your students have the proper attire for all activities.
The Dress Code applies not only to students, but to all conference attendees.
The final decision regarding dress code violations is at the discretion of the conference staff.
The following attire is considered inappropriate for all attires and will not be allowed at any HOSA event:
The official dress code for the student members for all general sessions at the RLC, SLC, and ILC will be HOSA Blues Attire. Students not adhering to the above dress policy for all general sessions at the RLC, SLC, and ILC will NOT be admitted.
(This policy is for student delegates. All advisors, family members, chaperones and other guests must be in business attire for the General Sessions)
Conference attire should be proper and appropriate since it reflects directly upon the California HOSA. Conference delegates must wear HOSA uniform attire to all conference activities; chaperones must wear business attire, unless otherwise noted, other than the general sessions, where HOSA attire is required. Business attire may include:
No denim clothing or canvas shoes will be acceptable. Denim pants in colors other than blue are not permitted. Blue jean skirts and dresses are NOT acceptable. Under no circumstances will blue jeans, shorts, or other casual attire be accepted.
Delegates dressed in such casual attire will not be permitted to participate in official HOSA conference meetings.
Delegates must adhere to the Dress Code as specified in the individual competitive event guidelines for the orientation and event in which they are competing. Bonus points will be given according to the individual guidelines.
For all competitive events, five (5) bonus points will be added once per competitor and/or team to the tally sheet for appropriate dress. In team events, all team members must be properly dressed to receive the bonus points. Exceptions are as noted in the event guidelines.
Students must wear a conference HOSA t-shirt. Shirts may not be tied around the waist or shoulders. Requiring students to wear a HOSA shirt helps us identify quickly whether or not the student is a HOSA student and helps us keep non- HOSA members from attending our events. If a student does not have a HOSA shirt to wear with their jeans, they must wear the HOSA Uniform Attire.
Students may wear clean jeans. Holes or cuts in them which shows skin is not acceptable. No underwear or midriffs showing at any time. Students are not allowed to roll up the pant legs on their jeans. No Capri’s, no cut-off jeans, spandex leggings, no shorts allowed. Students must wear their HOSA conference name badge where it can be easily read.
Longer-length shorts (no short-shorts), capri’s, neat jeans (no holes showing skin), polo shirts, sweatshirts, appropriate HOSA t-shirt and casual footwear such as flip-flops, tennis shoes, etc.
No dress code can cover all contingencies so California HOSA members must use a certain amount of judgment in their choice of clothing to wear. HOSA members who experience uncertainty about acceptable HOSA attire should ask his/her HOSA local or state advisor.
Here are a few more tips to help you understand the HOSA Dress Code.
While a bow-tie is not acceptable with the official HOSA uniform, it is acceptable with Business Attire.
Flip-flops and thong sandals are flat, backless, made of rubber or leather, plain or embellished with beads, etc., consisting of a flat sole held loosely on the foot by a Y-shaped strap, like a thin thong, that passes between the first (big) and second toes and around either side of the foot.
Contact Info
Monday – Thursday
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
8:00 am – 3:00 pm